Take the Streets

Move Free

Shift your ride, not gears. Find the fastest way to move in the city as the bike adapts intuitively to power the speed you need.

Compare Bikes

Sporty 4

Sporty 4

The iconic frame brought to a new performance height as a sporty, active ride.
Ride in town ST

Ride in town ST

An open frame for an upright ridingpositionas the most comfortable ride intown.
Agile ride 3

Agile ride 3

The lightweight frame that has earned itsstreet tread as a sleek, agile ride.

The Details

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Auto Unlock

The app senses when you're nearby to unlock automatically. GPS tracking so you know where your bike is and can track it anytime.
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Range & Integrated lights

The removable battery has up to 70km battery autonomy and weighs only 2.4 kg. Lights integrated into the frame give you always-on visibility day and night.
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Hydraulic disc brakes & Lightweight

Brakes with total stopping power the second you make contact. The removable battery has up to 70km battery autonomy and weighs only 2.4 kg. Lights integrated into the frame give you always-on visibility day and night.

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